Business Update

Business Brief We are still pursuing the original $2.5 million funding, but more doubtful about a successful outcome. We are also now pursuing a totally different funding directly to the project Cielo Mar, which is more tangible and easier to understand for a...

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This is an example of the Grid Layout filtering for a Specific Post Category. This layout uses the latest post as the Hero and 6 additional post in the Grid. Fusce imperdiet justo bibendum, lobortis lacus in, rhoncus sem. Phasellus in leo vitae dolor consequat semper non et turpis. Pellentesque ultrices metus ac ultrices condimentum. Curabitur maximus ligula non massa blandit rutrum id eu elit. Proin convallis tortor turpis, ac euismod purus iaculis in. Curabitur interdum felis ultrices tortor luctus imperdiet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Business Update

Business Update

A business summary has been posted on the investors page in response to recent inquiries from interested parties to better understand ProGreen US, Inc. The February 2018 Business Presentation that is now posted was used for discussions with lenders to aid in...

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